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Top How To Draw Gandhiji in the year 2023 The ultimate guide

Written by San Andy Jan 19, 2023 · 5 min read
Top How To Draw Gandhiji in the year 2023 The ultimate guide

Gandhi mahatma gandhiji

Table of Contents

If you’re looking to learn how to draw gandhiji, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re an artist or a beginner, drawing gandhiji can be a fun and rewarding experience. Not only does it allow you to express your creativity, but it also pays tribute to one of the most well-known figures in history.

Pain points when it comes to drawing gandhiji

Perhaps you’ve tried to draw gandhiji before, but you just can’t seem to get it right. Maybe you’re having trouble with the details or you can’t capture his likeness. Drawing a person, especially one as iconic as gandhiji, can be intimidating, but with practice and patience, you can improve your skills.

The basics of drawing gandhiji

Before you start drawing gandhiji, it’s important to do some research. Look up pictures of gandhiji online or in books to get a sense of his facial features, clothing, and overall appearance. Once you have a good understanding of what gandhiji looks like, you can start sketching.

Begin with a rough outline of gandhiji’s head, paying close attention to the shape of his face and the position of his ears and eyes. Next, add in the details of his face, such as his glasses, mustache, and hair. Finally, draw in his clothing and any other accessories, like a walking stick or shoes.

Remember, drawing takes practice, so don’t get discouraged if your first attempts don’t look exactly like gandhiji. Keep practicing and refining your technique, and you’ll soon be able to create a beautiful portrait of this iconic figure.

Main points to remember when drawing gandhiji

When drawing gandhiji, it’s important to pay attention to the details, such as his facial features and clothing. Practice makes perfect, so don’t worry if your initial attempts aren’t perfect. Take your time and focus on getting the proportions right.

Drawing gandhiji with charcoal

If you’re looking for a unique way to draw gandhiji, consider using charcoal. Charcoal is a versatile medium that allows you to create a range of tones and textures in your drawings. Start by lightly sketching out the basic shape of gandhiji’s head and features. Next, fill in the darker areas using a darker shade of charcoal. Finally, use a blending tool to smooth out the tones and create a more realistic look.

Another way to use charcoal in your drawings is to create a textured background. You can smudge the charcoal to create a hazy effect that will add depth to your drawing.

Drawing gandhiji with a pencil

If you prefer to use a pencil when drawing gandhiji, start by lightly sketching out the basic shape of his face and features. Next, add in the details of his face, such as his glasses, mustache, and hair. Finally, draw in his clothing and any other accessories, like a walking stick or shoes.

One tip to keep in mind when drawing with a pencil is to use different grades of lead to vary the tone and texture of your drawing. For example, use a harder lead for the lighter areas and a softer lead for the darker areas.

Drawing gandhiji with colored pencils

If you want to add some color to your gandhiji drawing, consider using colored pencils. Start by lightly sketching out the basic shape of gandhiji’s face and features using a graphite pencil. Once you have a good outline, begin adding color using your colored pencils. Start with lighter colors and gradually build up to the darker areas, using shading and blending techniques to create a realistic effect.

Additional tips for drawing gandhiji

Whether you’re using charcoal, pencil, or colored pencils, there are some additional tips that can help you create a beautiful drawing of gandhiji. First, take your time and pay attention to the details. Second, focus on getting the proportions right. Finally, don’t be afraid to make mistakes. The more you practice, the better you’ll get.

Question and Answer section on how to draw gandhiji

Q: What size paper should I use when drawing gandhiji?

A: The size of paper you use when drawing gandhiji depends on your personal preference. However, a larger paper size may be easier to work with when adding in the details.

Q: How can I make gandhiji’s glasses look realistic?

A: When drawing gandhiji’s glasses, pay attention to the reflections and shadows. Use a lighter shade of graphite or colored pencil to create reflections on the lenses and a darker shade to create shadows around the frames.

Q: How do I shade gandhiji’s clothes?

A: When shading gandhiji’s clothes, pay attention to the folds and creases. Use a lighter shade of graphite or colored pencil to fill in the lighter areas and a darker shade to create shadows in the folds.

Q: Can I use a reference photo when drawing gandhiji?

A: Yes, using a reference photo can be helpful when drawing gandhiji, especially if you’re having trouble with the details or proportions.


Drawing gandhiji can be a fun and rewarding experience, whether you’re an artist or a beginner. With some practice and patience, you can create a beautiful portrait of this iconic figure. Remember to pay attention to the details and focus on getting the proportions right. And most importantly, don’t be afraid to make mistakes. The more you practice, the better you’ll get.

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